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Preserving Barbados Through Reconnection and Investments

Dual Citizenship, Educational Programs, and More

Preserving Barbados Through Reconnection and Investments

Dual Citizenship, Educational Programs, and More

Marketing Firm Protecting Our Legacy

“Home drum beats first” is a common Bajan saying, which means to look after your family first before taking on someone else’s problems. Home Drum LLC, a U.S. based marketing consulting firm dedicated to Barbados, lives out that affirmation.

Prince Harry Vacation Villa

Strengthening Barbados

Our goal is to encourage communities as well as educate and promote accountability to generate investment opportunities in Barbados. We leverage the collective power of professionals living abroad to make our vision a reality.

What We Do

We use our voice to encourage younger generations of Barbadians to reconnect to our rich cultrual heritage. Our corporation assists Barbadian descendants in:

  • Securing their dual citizenship
  • Educating their families to create generational wealth
  • Guiding families through asset transition and preservation
  • Cultivating a network of professionals around the world to invest in Barbados
yellow home in BIM

Partner With Our Firm

Help us preserve our island nation by working with our corporation. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we do. One of our staff members will get back to you as soon as possible.